
Showing posts from August 23, 2016


 The only place where you can look deep into Nature is when you look deep into yourself. There, you dis-cover that what you ARE in Reality is not your surface thought-identity but BEING in you, or Reality's ISness which is limitfree and therefore INFINITE. And since INFINITY by definition stops nowhere it is shared by the whole of Nature as far as one can reach.

Our Neighbor ? PROXIMA B

Scientists have found a possibly habitable planet, Proxima B, which stands 4.22 light-years away from Earth. This mearns it would take some 165 000 years to go there. Nonetheless, the world intellectuals and medianetworks are thrilled and in effervescence, as if they suddenly got a glimpse of solution to the predicament we create for ourselves. While habitable planets are so scarce in the universe we have the chance to live on one of them ! But because we are identified with your thoughts and therefore disconnected from Reality - since what we ARE in Reality is BEING in us - then we cannot prevent spreading destruction, killing each other en masse and falsifying Nature at a planetary scale. To the point we're endangering our own survival as a species just like the Dinosaurs' survival was compromised by an asteroid some 65 million years ago. What we should realized is Reality's ISness - which is BEING in us - possesses an INFINITY quality and therefore offers a holis


When you see two people fighting each other on the street, will you take this opportunity to sell them weapons ? Well, this is what countries producing weapons do anyway. Every year around $45-60 billion worth of arms sales are agreed in the world, and most of these sales (something like 75%) are done by developing countries. The five permanent members of the UN Security Council (US, Russia, France, United Kingdom and China), together with Germany and Italy account for around 85% of the arms sold between 2004 and 2011. In recent years, global military expenditure has increased and reached levels comparable to those of Cold War. Data shows global military spending at over $1400 billion in 2012 and because these last years the countries of the Global Fraternal Network are on the one hand feeding the conflicts of the Middle East as to create what Condoleezza Rice called the "New Middle East, and on the other hand are harassing both Russia and China, the world community is engaged i


This is not what we think,  this is not what we say,  this is not what we do,  that makes of a human a human BEING ;   this is what we ARE. Thanks  #planetCare