
Showing posts from June, 2016


We have the Internet . We can create a planetary government beyond nationalities, religions or any other difference. It is up to us. Are we too scared to operate such a change ? Well, let me tell you, the furnace towards which we are led is much more frightening. Enough with our divisions driven by thirst for power and greed for possession. If 1% of the Earth population possesses more that the other 99% , it is this 1% which is leading Humankind towards a burning destruction. In order to save our species from deadly heatwaves and a more and more violent Nature , we must turn around this equation . We must give the power to people who get nothing from the present order which is destroying the world . Today, our captains are not ready to abandon the power & possession linking them to the world model that brought us to the brink of precipice .. this is why they are not fit to lead us properly. Let's consider Global Warming as an opportunity for Humankind to abandon the o


LOVE is the INFINITY of Reality's ISness which is BEING in us. Therefore we must find LOVE within ourself before we can share it with others. Yes, since LOVE is INFINITY it can only be shared and not begged from others.