
Showing posts from February, 2016


No amount of Love you may receive in the present can undo the unresolved memories of lack of Love from the past. Even on the contrary, the Love you may receive today can only revival the memories of lack of Love that hit your nevrax in the past. A bit like a frozen finger gently warmed starts to release the ache which was anaesthetized by the cold. And as when the pain of the past surfaces and defuses, the hidden memories reintegrate consciousness. This is how the window of BEING in us is gradually unveiled and we retrieve the LOVE we ARE which is Reality's INFINITE ISness. #planetcare

There is no 'way to peace,' there is only 'peace

"peace means having a bigger stick than the other guy." A great line from the salesman of sticks! But It's not Right way to define peace, as for me true peace means an absence of violence and war. one of the great man say, 'There is no 'way to peace,' there is only 'peace.' #planetCare


If you see an animal destroying its nest, killing some of its offsprings right away and endangering the others' survival, you know there's something wrong with this animal, right ? Yet, this is exactly what Humankind is doing at a planetary scale. We are conscious that our CO2 emissions are dangerously feeding Global Warming, we are well informed by the IPCC that we should bring back CO2 emissions to 50% of what they were in the year 1990 and this before 2020, but we are nonetheless increasing these emissions and even worse we lower the price of Oil as to be sure they will rise even higher !? We are cutting the branch upon which we are sitting, notably by depleting Biodiversity, and we do this madness in full awareness of what we're doing ! The question is why ? The answer is simple. When we are identified with our thoughts, we are disconnected from Reality because we are not our thoughts. What we ARE in Reality is BEING in us which is Reality's very ISness. T