
Showing posts from August 15, 2015

meaning of om namh shivay

When Buddha was dying, his last utterance in this world was,'APPO DEEPO BHAVA' -- 'Be a light unto yourself.' Don't follow anybody. Anand was crying, weeping because Buddha was leaving the body and he said to Buddha,'You are leaving and I have not yet become enlightened. What about me? What will happen to me? The world will be absolutely dark for me -- you were the light. And now you are going. Have compassion on us.' Buddha opened his eyes and said,'APPO DEEPO BHAVA. Be a light unto yourself, Anand, nobody can be a light for you.'  I had a Teacher for many years then she passed. I felt as if she was my connection to God & now I would progress no more. But actually it took her going for me to lose my dependence on her connection & find my own within. We all are the same in this respect. God is no respecter of persons & we each have this Birthright of communion with God/Spirit/Source. We need just clear out the junk that we have accumulat


To be "normal" doesn't necessarily mean to be sane. It only means to belong to a norm. And to be insane can well be the norm. When we observe how for the sake of our little comfort and our "distractions" we let Global Warming grow without taking any real step to stop it, or just insignificant and cosmetic measures that only soothe our conscience, we clearly see insanity is the norm on planet Earth. Indeed, it takes a lot of mad people to change the climate of a planet and transform what once was a beautiful garden into the most lethal furnace.