
Showing posts from August 7, 2015


Tat Tvam Asi, a Sanskrit sentence: तत् त्वम् असि, translated as "You ARE that," is one of the Mahāvākyas in Vedantic Sanatana Dharma. It originally occurs in the Chandogya Upanishad. In the Koran, Allah says: I AM closer to you than your own jugular vein. In the Gospel Jesus says the Kingdom of God is already within you. Zoroastrianism calls us to retrieve the KHôd or the Self in us which is this I AM. The truth is what we ARE in Reality, which is BEING in us and makes of us a human BEING, is Reality's limitfree or INFINITE ISness. When identified with our thoughts we remain disconnected from BEING in us and we float in our cognitive and limited dream, which makes the one seem two, and from where we see the world divided and we destroy its unity. But stangely enough we like to exist as this disconnected ghost made of thoughts and we cling to it with the force of despair. In fact we're afraid to face these unresolved pains, too big to be consciously met, which expel