
Showing posts from July 17, 2015


BEING in us which is Reality's ISness, holds the paramount authority that sets the cosmic order in motion. When we are identified with our thoughts we lose access to BEING in us and therefore we lose this cosmic and intrinsic authority. Since then on the shriveled cognitive program we've became needs to find a replacing authority, as not to face its lostness, and most of the time it embraces the authority of the society in which it is embedded. The problem is this society is made of people also identified with their thoughts and the authority they propose is a product of their disconnected thoughts. Yet, since they're all drifting together they imagine they're taking the right direction and this is so securizing that they cling to their common lie like a shipwrecked grabs her raft. This is true for any community composed of people identified with their thoughts. This is what is happening to our westernized civilization that proudly brandishes the flag of the god


What kinds of hurts and falsifications of the playful child is our adult personality hiding under its cognitive and disconnected shell ? Can we let ourself totally lose control and reach a spontaneous state where our Real self expresses itself freely, and this, no matter if this expression is "politically correct" or not ? Can we, disregard what we are hiding: anxiety, worry, anger, sadness, guilt, lonelines, fear, or even terror, allow everything buried in us to surface and naturally leave us through the open gate of consciousness ? When we succeed doing so, we just become the direct expression of Reality and we retrieve BEING as who we Really ARE. And even though our inner sky may still be filled with some clouds we now know we're not these clouds but the sky containing them and this makes the whole difference. Having retrieved BEING in us, which is Reality's INFINITE and therefore indivisible ISness, we experience so deeply its PEACE that it is automatical


In 1982 a team of physicists at the University of Paris led by Alain Aspect demonstrated experimentally that our physical descriptions of the world in which we live cannot be both Real and local at the same time. When we split a pair of protons governed by a common wave function, the measurment we make on one of them in one place has an instantaneous effect (zero time) on the other even if it is light years away. As Bernard d'Espagnat said, "at the quantum level there is violation of the principle of separability of Reality's ISness". This means that the INFINITY of Reality ISness is scientifically demonstrated. It is because this INFINITY blinded all the equations that physicists invented Renormalization which arbitrarily gives fake but measurable values to the point-particle. If I take a scientific example, it is because Science has become the authorized and unquestionable dogma of our time. Of course this scientific demonstration has a spiritual implication,


James Lovelock said "I entreat my friends among the greens (..) to drop their wrongheaded objection to nuclear energy. Even if they were right about its dangers, and they are not, its use as secure, safe and reliable source of energy would pose a threat insignificant compared with the real threat of intolerable and lethal heatwaves and sea levels rising to threaten every coastal city of the world".  Today even though the IPCC is warning us that we must bring back our CO2 emissions to 50% of what they were in the year 1990 and this before 2020, our CO2 emissions continue rising year after year. President Obama even authorized the drilling of the Arctic Circle notably near Alaska where the glaciers are melting at huge speed. And I don't even speak about the 40.000 Shale Oil and Gas wells drilled in America on the Sacred Land of the Native Americans. In the same line of madness, today in the nuclear deal with IRAN Washington imposes this country to stop building new