
Showing posts from April, 2015


 In the Gospel according to Thomas, Jesus said: "make the two, one". As to know how to achieve such a wonder, we must remember how we made the one, two, in the first place. Reality's INFINITE ISness, which is BEING in us, is a one and indivisible consciousness that stops nowhere. In other words it is the only thing that "IS". When the fetus, the newborn baby and the young child, who are utterly vulnerable, encounter pains too big to be consciously met, we take off from Reality's ground contaminated with what Martin Heidegger calls the Dreadful, and we get shelter in a cognitive and virtual reality that mimics Reality. This virtual and cognitive world, which we clip like a grid upon the Real world, makes the one, two, originally by pure survival necessity. It finds an extension and a reinforcement into the computer and digital world where we deeply soak today. So, now we know what is the path to retrieve the oneness of Reality in us and all around. It is