
Showing posts from March, 2015


LIFE in its very essence is pure consciousness and there is no limit to the intensity of consciousness we can get. This intensity depends on how much present we are to the Instant. The pace of transformation of the Present Instant is so fast it tends towards zero which is INFINITY's gateway. Indeed, the Present Instant is the sole spot were we can meet with Reality's ISness which is INFINITE. Instead of travelling horizontally on the virtual stream of time we sink vertically into the bottomless well of the Instant where we join with the whole INFINITE Reality from within us. I must say it is a charming journey into the conscious substance of Reality .. welcome home my friend, welcome home. Planet Care


The MUNI is the one who has established comMUNIcation with Reality's INFINITE ISness within oneself. Indeed, as to truly establish comMUNIcation with Reality and its manifestations around us the prerequisite is to retrieve Reality within us first otherwise we are unknowingly dreaming our life away. The Sakya MUNI, also called the Buddha, brought to excellence a practice that allows re-establishing this lost inner comMUNIcation which, if well understood and pursued 'til its achievement, can make of any of us a MUNI, a communicant in the true sense of the term. Today what we call communication is but a fake comMUNIcation. It is the link between people who are disconnected from Reality within each one of them because identified with thoughts while what they ARE in Reality is BEING or Reality's INFINITE ISness in them. The result for such generalized deception is that people live crowded together into collective thought-programs, or dreams, by which they abide. Hoovering above


My experience of the world is not as if the world was inside me. No, I experience the world out there. And if I do not experience the world as inside me it is because consciousness is not trapped in me but pervades my body and all the bounderies and limits 'til the most distant stars. Consciousness has no kind of limits. Consciousness is Reality's ISness which is INFINITE as Science demonstrates notably through Alain Aspect Experiment. Yet, as long as we are identified with our thoughts, which are limited constructions, we "think" of consciousness as confined into the meanders of our thoughts. Today the world is running after supernatural capacities like in the X-Men's movie for instance and the Singularity project is taken very seriously by Silicon Valley as well as by the Pentagon. The very serious people leading us are just mad oddballs. This pathetic quest is due to the fact we are psychologically disconnected from BEING in us, which is Reality's INFINITE


Planet Earth provides for everything humans need as to succeed in life and be happy. Yet, what we do with this profusion is a pathetic and widespread destruction of all we have including what should be the most precious for us, our children. We even start by destroying our children first, and often since before birth, which shows our great insanity and isolation into our cognitive cocoon. And then we "innocently" ask why are there so many of our children who join the ISIS for instance, as if we were not part of the process. An Alien witnessing the situation could genuinely be surprised with our behavior and ask what causes this strange madness agitating us. If we jeopardize our survival as a species in such a widespread way it is by lack of access to LOVE which is BEING's very essence in us. And we cannot have access to BEING in us as long as, running away from the unresolved pains caused by the lack of LOVE, we hide into indentification with thoughts like into a shell,


It is one thing to be disconnected from Reality by pains too big to be consciously encountered and plunged into the Lie of identification with thoughts. It is quite another thing to kind of sanctifying this cognitive disconnection, and drift, pretending everything's OK, healthy and sane, and in so doing erasing the last evidence of our madness. The reason Freud's work was so appropriate to our time was his deep insight in the fact that the ordinary person is but a surface fragment of what a person IS in Reality. Until now, and as Martin Heidegger demonstrated, we were some how aware that the Deadful had already happened for all of us, and this even though seldom people took the right path to undo this primal Deadful. Yet, these very last years, and crucially this last decade, those leading our so-called civilized world are deliberately obliterating the knowledge that we are but a desiccated scraps of who we ARE in Reality, presenting our collective madness as "normal&qu


With the ever looming globalization and facing the climate upheaval we seem unable to stop feeding, we cannot afford anymore the virtual divisions due to identification with thoughts like our ideologies, religions and nationalities. We're engulfing all our energies into these virtual divisions for which we also kill each other en masse. This behavior is utterly stupid, insane and resemble a lot a collective suicide. Yet, there's none as blind as the one who doesn't want to see and we continue our gravedigger action as if nothing happened. We've already destroyed most of our possibilities and today if Humankind may survive it'll be only as one People, the People of the Earth. The unification of Humankind which seemed a pure luxury today has become an absolute necessity. This is why we must consider all of us as mere Earthians and nothing more. Facing the indivisible INFINITY of Reality's ISness which is BEING in us, the divisions imagined and emphasized by our


 Whenever you OBSERVE your thoughts they stop right away and there, you find yourself at the tip of the Present Instant and one with Reality. To be one with Reality doesn't mean you are not full of unresolved pains or you don't have a panic attack, or your foot is not twisted or you don't have stomach ache or any other problem. Reality always includes all your particularities in the moment. Reality is whatever "IS" at the Present Instant no matter how this ISness manifests itself. Therefore all you have to do is to OBSERVE your thoughts and you retrieve BEING right away. And BEING is pure consciousness. It contains whatever "IS" including your body and the rest of the universe. It is a no-thing that contains everything. BEING is your home. Patrick Ali Pahlavi


 One thing I learnt from my years of meditation is we shouldn't have any preconcieved idea and expectation about what kind of experience we should "get" out of the return to BEING in us. Indeed, any cognitive reference to something we know, or imagine, and based upon our memories, is in itself what keeps us identified with our thougths, and may encapsulate us even while diving in our deepest inner quest. We must leave the realm of the known and choose the realm of discovery which reigns over the always renewed tip of the Present Instant. This is where PEACE and JOY are naturally found since they are facets of BEING in us. For this discovery to happen we must give up thought control and accept whatever IS simply because it IS ... even if it doesn't fit with what we imagine and expect from meditation. Through this pure OBSERVATION we liberate ourself from the hold and the tyranny of our thougths that keep us locked up into a stagnating past. And through this emancipati


This is not because you repress and hide under a mask of happiness the unresolved pains imprinted in you that they have disappeared. They will just wait until, trusting your dream of happiness you lower your guard, and there, they will intrude your conscious space with their dark mists even harder. As to get rid of these unresolved pains you must encounter them and burn them to the light of consciousness. Then, and only then, their trapped energy leaves you and the memory of the sequence of events which imprinted them in you becomes a conscious and desactivated memory that can be reintegrated among other normal memories. When you succeed emptying all your unresolved pains eventually there is no darkness left in your depth and you are one again. This oneness is automatically reintegrated into Reality's oneness which is INFINTY. This is how a psychological work led to its end, does a spiritual job. Patrick Ali Pahlavi


Since the mists of time, humans, unfortunately identified with their thoughts, have dreamed to equate God. Today, with our computers and robots, this dream is furiously reactivated in spite of Norbert Wiener's warnings. It is even stunning how modern and self-designated intelligent people, who think of themselves as above the poor believer in God, suddenly fall into the absurd and inconceivable belief that a robot could turn alive. Even more stunning, the very "serious" people at the helm of the Pentagon with their NBIC program and those famous innovators in Silicon Valley, like Douglas Mulhall, Ray Kurzweil, etc., with their GRAIN program and their sacrosanct Singularity, are working at materializing this ancient dream: giving the breath of LIFE to their creation. This only shows the madness of our times. We'll not make our robots human or course, in fact the truth is the way round: since we are identified with our thoughts and therefore dis


 When we touch down on the ground of the Present Instant and retrieve Reality's ISness in us, we abandon the gawky and careless functioning of our separate thought-identity and return to the Great Harmony which takes care of everything. Swami Ramana Maharshi had a beautiful way to picture this, he said: when we are on a train we do not have to hold our luggage in our hands, we can put it on the floor, it'll travel with us, as well. When we are back to the Pr esent Instant, in every situation we naturally find the easiest and most harmonious way to behave and do things, even the most trivial ones. We see the beauty of the Divine in everything and therefore treat everything with profound respect and LOVE. This very LOVE which is the only LOVE because it is the essence of Reality's INFINITE ISness. People disconnected from Reality because identified with their thoughts, could they pretend being Christian, Muslim, Atheist or whatever, brush aside and dismis


This is identification with thoughts which makes us believe we are Américans, Europeans, Chineses, Musims, Christians, or whatever else, and brandishing these differences we kill each other. We must realize that what we ARE in Reality is BEING in us, a human BEING as such. And we only HAVE thougths which build thought-systems, ideologies, religions, etc., by which we choose to abide and for which we spread violence and destruction. With Globalization and facing the Climate Change we generate, the Time has come today for all of us to return to the mere human BEING we ARE and forget our thought-fabrications. Indeed, we must retrieve BEING in us, or Reality's INFINITE ISness, we all share together as well as with the whole of Nature. The disease which is destroying us and our World is identification with thought. And as long as we do not understand this we'll continue destroying ourselves for the sake of this identification with thoughts which is purely lethal. Awakening to BEING


Identification with thoughts is Humankind's main problem. Returning to BEING in us is the solution. We are not our thought-self. What we ARE in Reality is BEING in us. This is why as long as we are identified with our thoughts we are disconnected from Reality and become able to hurt Reality within our own body as well as all around us. As a matter of fact today we've reached a destructive level such that we hurt the whole of Nature at a planetary scale and badly endanger Biosphere's balance. Our whole world system is utterly wrong, toxic and lethal because of identification with thoughts. And this is not this kind of thought-system or that kind of thought-system that can save us. No, as long as we are identified with our thoughts all our thought-systems will turn wrong and devastating. I always take the example of the Medieval Inquisition which, in the name of the most loving and merciful message, Jesus' LOVE message, justified a ferocious repre


STOP DANCING WITH SHADOWS. When we remove a drop of water from the ocean, even though it is made of the very same water, yet obviously this drop is not the ocean. But now, when we return it to the ocean then where is the drop ? Only the ocean remains even though the drop has not disappeared but its substance is the ocean's substance. Same when we are virtually removed from Reality's ISness by identification with thoughts this identification encloses us and fragments our vision with the limits of thoughts and it fakely appears to us that we are not the INFINITY of Reality's ISness. Yet, when identification with thoughts ends and we retrieve BEING in us, which is Reality's INFINITE ISness, the boundless and sizeless unity of this ISness transcends the limits of the shapes through which Reality expresses itself. These very shapes that serve identification with thougths as a pretext to justify and impose its limited vision upon the indivisibility of Reality's INFINITE


 BEING in us, or Reality's ISness, is fundamentally an INFINITE consciousness. And since it is INFINITE in substance it stops nowhere. This means nothing remains outside of it. Truly, this consciousness IS absolutely everything there is, from the tiniest point-particles to the biggest galaxies. Through a dialectical process, zero, which is INFINITY's doorway, divides itself into pairs of opposite energies: 0 = +1 -1, and this polarized energy first vibrates itself into matter & antimatter. Yet, all this process occurs into this INFINITE consciouness which gives a sense to its whole cosmic manifestation. This sense is discovered by Science, pieces by pieces, and classified into its different pompous disciplines. All the things that seem so solid and we consider as disparate elements when we only have access to the surface of things, are found to be a unique and INFINITE consciousness when we are reintegrated into Reality's ISness in us. The boredom that we may feel in o


 In the Gospel according to Thomas Jesus says: "make the two one". You may ask how can we do this wonder ? Utterly simple but not easy. We just stop our ceaseless thinking with which we identify and OBSERVE the Instant and its constant unfolding. OBSERVATION ends identification with thoughts and there, we experience a profound PEACE that is inherent to Reality's ISness and pervades everything and everyone. This PEACE is this oneness we are after behind the dividing veil our thought-self spreads around like a lure. Thoughts are not a problem, what is a problem is when we identify with our thougths. Indeed, since what we ARE in Reality is BEING in us, by identifying with our thoughts we create the two which brings the division and its virtuality. Identification with thoughts works bit like glasses that would divide our vision and this divided vision makes us behave conflictually. Patrick Ali Pahlavi Thank You PLANET CARE LTD


 There are different kinds and degrees of violence but they all share the same origin: pains too big to be consciously encountered that linger unresolved in our limbic depth, expelling us from who we ARE in Reality. Violence ranges from mere indifference to lack of respect and ultimately physical violence. Said differently a person who's back to Reality's ISness in herself will not escape from the impact of pain by converting it into violence projected upon others. She will face and feel that pain instead, consume it to the light of consciousness and evacuate its energy through tears, screams, body movements, whatever, without hurting people around. Violence is always an escape, a reaction of fear facing the unresolved pains dwelling in us that come up. When reacting violently we prefer to hurt others than encountering the unresolved pains memorized in us. In some way violence is cowardice. Our society instead of spending fortunes to teach people junk knowledge that serves ab


 The Buddha was called the Perfect because he reached the INFINITY of Reality's ISness in himself. Only INFINITY is Perfect. The forms through which INFINITY expresses itself are by definition made of limits and as such are imperfect. The human BEING who consciously retrieves BEING in him/herself, continues to be imperfect in his/her human form while INFINITY's Perfection beams through this imperfection. This is what Jesus means when he says in Matt. 5:48: "be Perfect as God is Perfect". Nirvana and Samsara are but one thing. This is why the universe made with so many limits is still wondrous, INFINITY's Light shining through the imperfection of its forms. When we are identified with our thoughts, which are limited constructions, we do not have conscious access to BEING in us and its Perfection and we place our demand for Perfection on our external human form. This endeavor can only fail, even though it nourishes huge industries on Earth. What I'm saying here


 Find a quiet place, sit or lie down on a mat in a way you can fall in yourself and let go of everything. Just BE there not thinking and rest in silence for a while. Free from all your so-called obligations, observe the instant, observe it don't think about it. Soon the place and the Instant will take on a spiritual and cosmic dimension, the same you find in Zen Dojos or Ashrams in fact. This dimension doesn't belong to any place in particular but to Reality's ISness and its INFINITY which is absolutely everything. Experience it but do not think about it. Again just BE, rest in BEING and fill yourself with BEING's energy, you can do it without any moderation. And if in the process some psychological knots open up, breathe deeply and let yourself be filled with gratitude. Be the pure and non judgemental observer in you ... Patrick Ali Pahlavi Thank You PLANET CARE LTD


 Planet Earth provides for everything humans need as to succeed in life and be happy. Yet, what we do with this profusion is a pathetic and widespread destruction of all we have including what should be the most precious for us, our children. We even start by destroying our children first, and often since before birth, which shows our great insanity and isolation into our cognitive cocoon. And then we "innocently" ask why are there so many of our children who join the ISIS for instance, as if we were not part of the process. An Alien witnessing the situation could genuinely be surprised with our behavior and ask what causes this strange madness agitating us. If we jeopardize our survival as a species in such a widespread way it is by lack of access to LOVE which is BEING's very essence in us. And we cannot have access to BEING in us as long as, running away from the unresolved pains caused by the lack of LOVE, we hide into indentification with thoughts like into a shell,


 When the stain-glass windows of a church are crossed by the sun's rays our attention is triggered by the colored patterns of these glasses, their symbolic figures as well as their religious meaning while the sun's light itself is forgotten altogether. The same, when our thought patterns appear in the light of our consciousness this light is forgotten and left in the background of our thoughts that absorb all our attention. This is how we end up forgetting consciousness itself which is nonetheless what we Really ARE, and we identify with our thoughts and their virtual constructions. As to retrieve consciousness that constitutes our true ISness we must consciously surf the always renewed tip of the Present Instant or the locus where Reality is met. The duration of this tip is so short that our thougths do not have the necessary time to be generated and they stop altogether vanishing into the clear conscious space just like smoke is dispelled in the wide open sky. There,

How does quantum physics work, you may ask, what is it, and where does it come from?

In this article we discuss a very brief and simplified history of Quantum Mechanics and will quote what the founding fathers of this branch of science had to say about Vedic influence on the development of their theories. We are not interested in new age mumbo-jumbo. We are interested in understanding what is real and what is false. This is why we, along with all other great minds, consult the Vedic texts. Please read on… The famous Danish physicist and Nobel Prize winner, Laureate Niels Bohr (1885-1962) (pictured above), was a follower of the Vedas. He said, “I go into the Upanishads to ask questions.” Both Bohr and Schrödinger, the founders of quantum physics, were avid readers of the Vedic texts and observed that their experiments in quantum physics were consistent with what they had read in the Vedas. Niels Bohr got the ball rolling around 1900 by explaining why atoms emit and absorb electromagnetic radiation only at certain frequencies. Then, in the 1920’s Erwin