
Showing posts from January, 2015


Each billionth of second Reality's expression is entirely renewed. This explains why it cannot burden itself with the cognitive and stagnating inner-suit made of our memories that encapsulate the past in us. Yet, this inner-suit protects us from the unresolved pains that remain hidden in the recesses of our brain. Therefore the difficulty for us, when we try to embrace Reality, lays in the fact we can consciously merge with it only when we are cognitively unprotected and sensitively naked like a worm. Reality is always new and with this newness comes wonder and enchantment. We lose this amazement when we look at the world through the prism of the known enclosed in our memories. The good news is when we succeed to stay innerly deprived from our cognitive-protection, we are totally integrated into Reality and experience the wonder of its INFINITE ISness as who we ARE. We evolve in harmony with Reality's movements and transformation. At this point we are totally unable to harm Re


Terrorism consists in killing just unknown people in a way that everybody feels in danger. This is how spreads terror and this is what terrorism is about. The Holy Koran forbids killing innocent people and says that killing one innocent equals killing the whole Humankind (sourate 5 aye 32). Terrorism also by killing unknown people removes the identity from the individual and uses his/her death as a psychological ammunition against the the enemy clan, tribe or nation. By the size of the crowd gathered in Paris for the 12 journalists killed we mesure the power of this psychological weapon. Oddly enough before the rise of Islam, Arabs were giving the identity to the clan, the tribe, not to the individual. This is why for instance when the Qoreish tribe ruling Mecca wanted to kill the prophet they first had to expell him from their tribe as to remove from him any identity and be able to kill him like they would do with an animal or a slave for instance. Indeed people who didn't belong


Can you scream your pain out not looking for any reward, like clouds unfolding and turning aimless in the open sky ? Just being there and allowing to happen what will happen anyway ? Stop control and restore Reality to itself. And you can do it at any moment.. planetCare


I am neither a terrorist Muslim nor Charlie Hebdo. I am a person free from identification with thoughts and back to BEING in me, a human BEING as such. The true prison is when we are identified with our thoughts no matter what these thoughts may say. Democracy and Human Rights are as much a thought-system as Islam or any religion. Since thoughts are limited constructions they are blind to Reality's INFINITE ISness or BEING in us. Freeing ourselves from identification with thoughts is true freedom. As long as we are identified with our thoughts, even though our thoughts would be about freedom, they are a prison that keeps us locked up into our head and out of Reality. We find the same dogmatic rigidity in hurting 1.5 billion people in the name of freedom of expression as the rigidity of the Muslims that force their vision upon others. The message I deliver here is not only my message. It is The Buddha's message, Jesus' message (at its very source), Zarathustra's message


The psychological mechanism that renders us unconscious of pains too big to be consciously felt and encountered, also removes us from our Real self these pains have contaminated. As a result we lose contact with Reality all around us and we kind of hoover above LIFE's ground, locked up into a thought-capsule and incapable of touching down: Paradise is lost. Yet, we remain unconscious of this loss and believe the cognitive re-construction that mimics Reality in our brain actually is Reality. And anyway, the disconnection usually occurs so early in our lives that we have no memory of how it was before, when we were still consciously one with Reality. The World lives in this type of cognitive mist or disconnected thought-program. An illusory and destructive dream in fact, that manipulates Reality for thought-identities' comfort and interests yet kills LIFE all around the planet and at a very, very, fast pace. WE obliterate every year from the surface of Earth some 30.000 living s


Our thought-identity makes us live enclosed into the known of our memories which is the past in us, while Reality is reached only at the always renewed tip of the Present Instant. Can we free ourself from this cognitive program we mistake for who we ARE and retrieve BEING in us ? This is the question you're asking Mr. Shakespear, and, no doubt, to BE is the right answer. I mean, how could you even have any doubt William ? planetCare


People identified with their thoughts cannot stop thinking because thinking has become their very substance. Their thought-me and their life-agenda are a unique and seamless cognitive program into which they live just like one may live into a dream or into a computer game for instance. Said differently, thought-identity is already a pseudo-me, an avatar if you prefer, and therefore, people identified with their thoughts are used to be costumed with a fake self. This may explain why the heroes of the so-called modern times are actors, Brad Pitt, Jessica Alba, etc. The immersion into a cyber program is just an extension to the thought-program in our head we mistake for who we are. Yet, it is fundamental to realize that we are not our thoughts. What we ARE in Reality is BEING in us, which is the experience of Reality's INFINITE and conscious ISness. Here the word INFINITE - which is a quality and not a quantity - is essential and must be understood literally. Since our early childhoo


While our brains are crammed with terrorism we totally forget about Global Warming and its main cause, which is our CO2 emissions. In its latest report the IPCC warned us that we must bring back our CO2 emissions to 50% of what they were in the year 1990 and this before 2020, if we are to avoid the worst effects of Global Warming and maybe an uncontrollable climate drift towards a real furnace. Yet the great democratic nations, that hypnotize themselves with terrorism, notably through their Media, totally forget their responsability in terms of CO2 restrictions and in so doing they are leading the planet towards burning gallows and an announced global catasthrophy. Already and according to the NGO DARA, CO2 emissions kill 5.000.000 people every year and this could climb to 100.000.000 deads by 2030. In comparison the number of people killed by terrorism during the last 35 years is just peanuts. In this regard those who advocate the reduction of nuclear powerplants are but criminals si


One more time I must stress here the fact that Humankind's greatest enemy is identification with thoughts. Indeed, this identification keeps us disconnected from Reality since in Reality we are not our thoughts but BEING in us. The atrocious and barbaric terrorist action perpetrated in the name of Islam by Said and Cherif Kouachi against Charlie Hebdo's office, like the one perpetrated in the name of Islamophoby by Anders Behring Brejvik in Oslo (2011), are possible only because people are identified with their thoughts and as a consequence disconnected from Reality. Engulfed into the blind and crazy horizon of an ideology weaved by thought-identification, people commit evil while not even knowing it. Yet, a human BEING can be called civilized only when s(he) retrieves BEING within and NO ideology can dissipate the madness identification with thoughts represents. I know you will not like what I will say here but my job is not to please thought-identity. Little is the number o


The human BEING could be considered as made of two parts. The BEING part which is Reality's INFINITE ISness and the human part which is how this INFINITE ISness expresses itself as us. We must remember here that since INFINITY is everything there is our BEING part is our sole Reality and our human part just a virtual appearance called Maya in Hinduism. Yet, as long as our human part is not entirely assumed and unresolved pains are still gnawing in us, we're like absorbed by this inner division and expelled from Reality's INFINITE ISness which is indivisible. As long as we cannot unclench our attention from our human and limited part, because it is psychologically not resolved, we remain blind to our BEING part. This is Humankind's great disease which tears apart our world and no thought-system, ideology or religion can clear up this problem. Everything in the universe can be considered as made of these two parts, the INFINITE essence and the finite expression of this


For a child who comes from Heaven to the Earth, the normal thing would be that s(he) encounters parents open to the same INFINITY source in their hearts. It is this LOVE the children truely need to share as to be recognized as fully human. Yet, it is seldom the case and the child feels so lonely that s(he) must lean to believe in what s(he) is told, and gradually abandon BEING inside her. A seed of believer is born. BEING which is Reality's INFINITE ISness, is replaceable by absolutely nothing at all. The child is educated in disconneted beliefs, abiding by the narrow and limited empire of the thoughts. S(he) is consciously or not trapped like in a cage, into the very thoughts' boundaries. It is but normal s( he) goes ballistic sometimes. This is the terrible fate most of us are confronted with in the beginning of our lives and which forces us to believe is somthing, even if this belief is filled with hatred and expresses itself through violence and murder.,. A human is huma


Whenever you OBSERVE your thoughts they stop right away and there, you find yourself at the tip of the Present Instant and one with Reality. To be one with Reality doesn't mean you are not full of unresolved pains or you don't have a panic attack, or your foot is not twisted or you don't have stomach ache or any other problem. Reality always includes all your particularities in the moment. Reality is whatever "IS" at the Present Instant no matter how this ISness manifests itself. Therefore all you have to do is to OBSERVE your thoughts and you retrieve BEING right away. And BEING is pure consciousness. It contains whatever "IS" including your body and the rest of the universe. It is a no-thing that contains everything. BEING is your home. planetCare