
Showing posts from 2015

Lessons of Christmas

Wish You  a  Merry Christmas   #planetCare


Our thought-identity should oppose, resist and exclude so that you can maintain the feeling of separateness that this embodies and upon which its survival depends. This explains why even though we are looking for, PEACE, JOY and LOVE, speculate they participate in BEING in us and it is INFINITY, our thought-identity cannot tolerate them for too long. When identified with the thoughts were addicted to the conflict their limits generate. This is exactly what we could witness when looking at your the entire world. Therefore for Christmas I will only wish like you to revisit Finding yourself in you. Take much care ! #planetCare

The Real Problem

We simply can't bargain using the Earth's mechanisms, should be done, have to be done, period. The number of thousands experts in the IPCC say we have to retrieve our CO2 emissions to 50% products we were holding in 1990 which before 2020. So we have in mind the IPCC recognizes how reluctant we are to lessen our CO2 emissions therefore this organization only presents the mildest with the scenarios to be accepted. Yet, the Standard Fuels lobbies represent huge interests, so huge as an illustration we close our eyes about the fact this really is Saudi Arabia which finances the ISIS !! In reality, the real question is could we reduce the main advantages of the Non-renewable Fuels industries you aren't ? I know it'll stop easy, I'm not stupid, what I believe that is actually and we don't drastically reduce our CO2 emissions today, not tomorrow, at this time, it'll be much, much more difficult for all of us. I mean we've no choice but abandon our little neur

The Real Communication Way

Communication doesn't depend on external language and semantics. It rather occurs through In us which can be Reality's INFINITE ISness which is instantly said to the complete universe from the point-particles for the distant galaxies. Now, create a child still one with BEING's INFINITY that is born among a bunch of adults barricaded behind the thick defenses with their thought-identity. This isn't the kid who's not capable of communicating, s(he) may even speak with wolves and stones. This is the human adults, enclosed into their cognitive spacesuit, who want special linguistic codes, flags and complicated devices as to talk with each other. And appearance, even equipped with these cognitive prosthesis, transmission devices and stratagems they continue to be deaf together and spread conflict and violence everywhere possibly at all levels: among families, through societies and between nations. The naked, vulnerable and wordless child is a Muni, s(he) props up

The Simple way to LIVE LIFE

Observe whatever Is within the constantly renewed Present Instant. Including observing the ideas that cross your conscious space. You might notice that when you observe your ideas they disappear. Once your brain is sleeping you understand observation of what's and Finding yourself in you are one same limit-free consciousness. There, simply ARE what exactly is. Can you accomplish ?

Wake up to the Whole is in You

David Bohm (1917-1992) was a famous American physicist who worked closely with Albert Einstein at Princeton University. He is notably known for having conceptualized a Holographic model of Reality. For Bohm the tangible level of our everyday lives is a kind of illusion like a holographic image. Underlying this surface level there is a totally limitfree level of Reality that is the origin of all the limited objects, appearances and patterns of our physical world in much the same way than a piece of holographic film gives birth to a hologram. Bohm called this deeper level of Reality the IMPLICATE order, and he refered to the surface level of existence as the EXPLICATE order. What Bohm called the IMPLICATE order I call it Reality's INFINITE ISness and I insist on the fact that this ISness is BEING in us and we experience it as who we ARE. Also, because the IMPLICATE order or ISness of Reality is INFINITE (which is notably demonstrated by quantum physics), it is everything there IS


According to the NGO Dara, every year an average of five million people (5.000.000) die from CO2 emissions yet it doesn't move us at all and on the contrary we continue increasing our CO2 emissions year after year. And this against the warnings of the IPCC's thousands experts throughout the world. This means that, in full knowledge we do absolutely nothing to stop killing these people and on the contrary for the sake of our little comfort we force on the boiler. If CO2 emissions were weapons we would be known as the executioners of a mass genocide every year. So, it is not the fact of killing innocents that bothers us but the form this killing takes. People identified with their thoughts fashion their fake-reality the way they want and they decide for which form of mass killing they will get emotional and for which form of mass killing they will remain as cold as ice. In this we also see here the power of the medianetworks upon our reactions. People who retrieve BEING in t


 Global Warming is a frightening occurence which like a cattle of crazy buffalos is furiously running towards us at an accelerating pace. Will we wait until these weather-buffalos trample us underfoot ? Global Warming doesn't know our frontiers and even less our thought-systems and conflictual petty and neurotic interests which are using these thought-systems as a pretence.  Heatwaves killed several thousands people in 2015, sweet water becomes scarce even in California, poles are melting at a huge speed and according to the NGO Dara, each year CO2 emissions kill some five million people throughout the world. It is scientifically observed that natural disasters become more violent and occur more often year after year.  Facing this global danger that affects all of us alike, we continue our routine little power quest as well as economical and ideological conflicts which distract us from an organized and common answer to Global Warming which is absolutely necessary. Our neurotic


We can do a lot of things through "thinking", planning, projecting, remembering, theorizing, analysing, memorizing and so forth, but when it comes to the Divine our thoughts are an obstacle that must be removed. And this for the simple reason that the Divine is INFINITY itself while our thoughts are limited construtions and therefore are blind to INFINITY very essence. Only BEING in us, which is Reality's INFINITE ISness, knows the Divine. The problem is, for pathological reasons, we cannot stop thinking even for one minute.. When the child is hit with pains too big to be consciously met, which occurs very often and as early as during the neurogenesis in the womb, we abandon the Real self, which is linked to BEING in us, and we find shelter in a fake self made of thoughts with which we identify. For our thought-identity to stop thinking is doubly threatening. First, it activates the process of unveiling the unresolved pains hidden in us, and then it endangers our thoug


If there is no word to define what I call Reality's ISness this is because it is INFINITE. Indeed how can we define INFINITY ? It is nothing and it is everything at the same time. It has no size and no shape yet, it can assume all the sizes and all the shapes. It IS pure Spirit and it seems solid Matter. The Tao Te Ching says: "The Tao that can be told is not the INFINITE Tao. The name that can be named is not the INFINITE name". By definition there is nothing else than INFINITY since it "IS" everything there is. And by its fantastic nature it renders everything absolutely precious, sublime, heavenly. When we "think" the world is trivial or even boring or dull, this shows we are identified with our thoughts which are based upon our memories and therefore upon the known in us. This thought-identity is our prison into which we unconsciously suffocate and from which we try to escape through all our distractions, amusements, illusions, dreams, make-beli


The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, (IPCC), was chartered in 1988 under the United Nations in order to provide governments with an assessment of climate science to inform policy decisions about the climate threats facing the world. It was established by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). This is, thousands of scientists from all over the world who have volunteered their time to research, write and review the IPCC's assessments. The process involves years of analyzing tens of thousands of scientific journal articles on topics ranging from sea level rise and glacial melt to past climate shifts. The conclusions of the IPCC's latest report are rather grim indeed. They says that we must reduce our planetary CO2 emissions by 50% below 1990 level and this before 2020 if we are to have the tiniest chance of limiting warming to 2°C, thus preventing the most devastating climate change’s impacts. Unfortunately our CO2 emissions keep growing year after year non s


MITAKUYE OYASIN.. We are not so much on the Earth than we are from the Earth. We came out of it, we are made of it and mainly of its water (75%), and we return to Earth after a sojourn crawling on its surface. The Earth is the tree while we are its leaves. So, you cannot harm one without harming the other. Among all the living species we are not the most stupid so why are we the only one to endanger the whole biosphere ? The violence we inflict to the Earth is the violence which was inflicted to the fetus, the newborn baby and the young child. Indeed, there are pains much too big to be consciously met by the young child. These pains are buried unresolved in our limbic system (hippocampus and amigdala). Unknowingly this is the pressure of these unresolved pains we evacuate onto the world through different acting outs. This explains why for instance, even though our specialists in ecology, the IPCC and its thousands of members, tell us we must bring back our CO2 emissions to 50% of wh


Since Reality's ISness is INFINITE it is everything there is, including the forms through which it expresses itself. Therefore the Real self in us is Reality's ISness expressed through our physiological basic and untwisted needs and feelings. In opposition our thought-self, which emanates from unresolved pains, is a self which has access to our physiological basic needs and feelings only through an opaque and twisting cognitive-screen based upon unresolved pain-memories. Our Real self for instance doesn't need to smoke cigarettes, shoot itself with drugs or drink alcohol. It doesn't need compulsive sex or compulsive food. it doesn't hold repressed violence in its depth and therefore doesn't need power in order to feel strong and secure or abuse the world in any way. When we retrieve our Real self we naturally reintegrate the cosmic order in full harmony with other people and Nature.


What keeps us disconnected from Reality is what is not resolved in us. This disconnection generates a virtual duality that blinds us to the unity of Reality's INFINITE ISness which is LOVE, the unique and only LOVE. This is why when we are identified with our thoughts and disconnected from BEING in us, which is Reality's INFINITE ISness, we are in lack of LOVE. Since then on we confuse the demand to be loved with LOVE itself. Most of the time when we say "I love you" what we mean in fact is "please love me". And because LOVE is Reality's INFINITE ISness and can be reached only through oneself, the beggar for LOVE one becomes when disconnected from BEING inside, cannot find LOVE in the outside world. This explains why unconsciously we drift into a substitutive quest for surface pleasure, emotional thrill, etc., which, out of ignorance, we may mistake for LOVE. But only two people having retrieved BEING in themselves can share LOVE like two mirror fa

meaning of om namh shivay

When Buddha was dying, his last utterance in this world was,'APPO DEEPO BHAVA' -- 'Be a light unto yourself.' Don't follow anybody. Anand was crying, weeping because Buddha was leaving the body and he said to Buddha,'You are leaving and I have not yet become enlightened. What about me? What will happen to me? The world will be absolutely dark for me -- you were the light. And now you are going. Have compassion on us.' Buddha opened his eyes and said,'APPO DEEPO BHAVA. Be a light unto yourself, Anand, nobody can be a light for you.'  I had a Teacher for many years then she passed. I felt as if she was my connection to God & now I would progress no more. But actually it took her going for me to lose my dependence on her connection & find my own within. We all are the same in this respect. God is no respecter of persons & we each have this Birthright of communion with God/Spirit/Source. We need just clear out the junk that we have accumulat


To be "normal" doesn't necessarily mean to be sane. It only means to belong to a norm. And to be insane can well be the norm. When we observe how for the sake of our little comfort and our "distractions" we let Global Warming grow without taking any real step to stop it, or just insignificant and cosmetic measures that only soothe our conscience, we clearly see insanity is the norm on planet Earth. Indeed, it takes a lot of mad people to change the climate of a planet and transform what once was a beautiful garden into the most lethal furnace.


Tat Tvam Asi, a Sanskrit sentence: तत् त्वम् असि, translated as "You ARE that," is one of the Mahāvākyas in Vedantic Sanatana Dharma. It originally occurs in the Chandogya Upanishad. In the Koran, Allah says: I AM closer to you than your own jugular vein. In the Gospel Jesus says the Kingdom of God is already within you. Zoroastrianism calls us to retrieve the KHôd or the Self in us which is this I AM. The truth is what we ARE in Reality, which is BEING in us and makes of us a human BEING, is Reality's limitfree or INFINITE ISness. When identified with our thoughts we remain disconnected from BEING in us and we float in our cognitive and limited dream, which makes the one seem two, and from where we see the world divided and we destroy its unity. But stangely enough we like to exist as this disconnected ghost made of thoughts and we cling to it with the force of despair. In fact we're afraid to face these unresolved pains, too big to be consciously met, which expel


Tat Tvam Asi,  a Sanskrit sentence: तत् त्वम् असि, translated as "You ARE that," is one of the Mahāvākyas in Vedantic Sanatana Dharma. It originally occurs in the Chandogya Upanishad.  In the Koran, Allah says: I AM closer to you than your own jugular vein. In the Gospel Jesus says the Kingdom of God is already within you. Zoroastrianism calls us to retrieve the KHôd or the Self in us which is this I AM.  The truth is what we ARE in Reality, which is BEING in us an d makes of us a human BEING, is Reality's limitfree or INFINITE ISness. When identified with our thoughts we remain disconnected from BEING in us and we float in our cognitive and limited dream, which makes the one seem two, and from where we see the world divided and we destroy its unity. But stangely enough we like to exist as this disconnected ghost made of thoughts and we cling to it with the force of despair. In fact we're afraid to face these unresolved pains, too big to be consciously met, which ex

Prayer Of Soul

रामकली महला ५ ॥ raamkalee mehlaa 5. Raamkalee, Fifth Mehl: कोई बोलै राम राम कोई खुदाइ ॥ ko-ee bolai raam raam ko-ee khudaa-ay. Some call Him, 'Raam, Raam', and some call Him, 'Khudaa-i'. कोई सेवै गुसईआ कोई अलाहि ॥१॥ ko-ee sayvai gus-ee-aa ko-ee alaahi. ||1|| Some serve Him as 'Gusain', others as 'Allaah'. ||1|| कारण करण करीम ॥ किरपा धारि रहीम ॥१॥ रहाउ ॥ kaaran karan kareem. kirpaa Dhaar raheem. ||1|| rahaa-o. He is the Cause of causes, the Generous Lord. He showers His Grace and Mercy upon us. ||1||Pause|| कोई नावै तीरथि कोई हज जाइ ॥ ko-ee naavai tirath ko-ee haj jaa-ay. Some bathe at sacred shrines of pilgrimage, and some make the pilgrimage to Mecca.| कोई करै पूजा कोई सिरु निवाइ ॥२॥ ko-ee karai poojaa ko-ee sir nivaa-ay. ||2|| Some perform devotional worship services, and some bow their heads in prayer. ||2|| कोई पड़ै बेद कोई कतेब ॥ ko-ee parhai bayd ko-ee katayb. Some read the Vedas, and some the Koran. कोई ओढै नील कोई


BEING in us which is Reality's ISness, holds the paramount authority that sets the cosmic order in motion. When we are identified with our thoughts we lose access to BEING in us and therefore we lose this cosmic and intrinsic authority. Since then on the shriveled cognitive program we've became needs to find a replacing authority, as not to face its lostness, and most of the time it embraces the authority of the society in which it is embedded. The problem is this society is made of people also identified with their thoughts and the authority they propose is a product of their disconnected thoughts. Yet, since they're all drifting together they imagine they're taking the right direction and this is so securizing that they cling to their common lie like a shipwrecked grabs her raft. This is true for any community composed of people identified with their thoughts. This is what is happening to our westernized civilization that proudly brandishes the flag of the god


What kinds of hurts and falsifications of the playful child is our adult personality hiding under its cognitive and disconnected shell ? Can we let ourself totally lose control and reach a spontaneous state where our Real self expresses itself freely, and this, no matter if this expression is "politically correct" or not ? Can we, disregard what we are hiding: anxiety, worry, anger, sadness, guilt, lonelines, fear, or even terror, allow everything buried in us to surface and naturally leave us through the open gate of consciousness ? When we succeed doing so, we just become the direct expression of Reality and we retrieve BEING as who we Really ARE. And even though our inner sky may still be filled with some clouds we now know we're not these clouds but the sky containing them and this makes the whole difference. Having retrieved BEING in us, which is Reality's INFINITE and therefore indivisible ISness, we experience so deeply its PEACE that it is automatical


In 1982 a team of physicists at the University of Paris led by Alain Aspect demonstrated experimentally that our physical descriptions of the world in which we live cannot be both Real and local at the same time. When we split a pair of protons governed by a common wave function, the measurment we make on one of them in one place has an instantaneous effect (zero time) on the other even if it is light years away. As Bernard d'Espagnat said, "at the quantum level there is violation of the principle of separability of Reality's ISness". This means that the INFINITY of Reality ISness is scientifically demonstrated. It is because this INFINITY blinded all the equations that physicists invented Renormalization which arbitrarily gives fake but measurable values to the point-particle. If I take a scientific example, it is because Science has become the authorized and unquestionable dogma of our time. Of course this scientific demonstration has a spiritual implication,


James Lovelock said "I entreat my friends among the greens (..) to drop their wrongheaded objection to nuclear energy. Even if they were right about its dangers, and they are not, its use as secure, safe and reliable source of energy would pose a threat insignificant compared with the real threat of intolerable and lethal heatwaves and sea levels rising to threaten every coastal city of the world".  Today even though the IPCC is warning us that we must bring back our CO2 emissions to 50% of what they were in the year 1990 and this before 2020, our CO2 emissions continue rising year after year. President Obama even authorized the drilling of the Arctic Circle notably near Alaska where the glaciers are melting at huge speed. And I don't even speak about the 40.000 Shale Oil and Gas wells drilled in America on the Sacred Land of the Native Americans. In the same line of madness, today in the nuclear deal with IRAN Washington imposes this country to stop building new


In the garden of an asylium for lunatics there was a fool searching for something among a bed of roses. Another fool came across and asked: " have you lost something" ? The first fool said: "yes, I lost my watch".  The second fool started to seach with him. After an hour he looked at the first fool and asked.  "are you sure you lost your watch here" ? The first fool replied: "Oh no, of course not. I lost my watch in the loo, but it smells much better here, don't you  agree ? "  This story reminds me of our endeavor against Global Warming. The IPCC warned us that we must bring back our CO2 emissions to 50% of what they were during the year 1990 and this before 2020 if we are to remain within the 2 degrees. Yet, we do everything else but our CO2 emissions keep growing year after year. It is very good if we develop alternative energies but what is the use of it if our CO2 emissions continue growing year after year ? Our priority




Breathing becomes unconsious when, in order to clamp down against pains too big to be consciously felt, our organism narrows or closes its sensorial window and in so doing creates a split in us incompatible with Reality's INFINITE oneness. Since then on our breathing becomes unconscious and its circular pattern is fractured just as the wholeness of our body's functioning is broken. In the Yoga techniques, Pranayama is considered the art of breathing. Yet, could it be Ujjayi, Kapalabhati, Nadhi Sodahana or Sithali, Pranayana, by its sophistication is trapped in the thinking mind which controls it and in consequence the breathing technique cannot go beyond identification with thoughts. This kind of elaborated breathing can also be dangerous if wrongly executed. What I propose to my students is to merely observe our breathing without trying to manipulate and change it in any way. This OBSERVATION helps us focusing on our breathing which is the royal road to unconsc


"BE CALM, PACIFY YOUR AGITATED MIND, LET GO OF THE STRESS". His Holiness the Dalai Lama. NOTICE. Now, we may want to know how to achieve this inner PEACE. Usually, people are identified with their thoughts and thoughts can be compared to the wind that ripples the surface of a lake and blurs the perfect image it reflects. What we must know is we are not our thoughts. What we ARE in Reality is BEING in us which is Reality's INFINITE ISness. This is this INFINITY in us which is in PEACE because of its pure unity. Therefore by retrieving BEING in us we retrieve PEACE. As to return to BEING in us it suffice that we consciously remain at the tip of the Present Instant. Indeed, this tip is so constantly renewed that thoughts do not have the necessary time to be generated and they stop altogether. There, we experience that what we ARE is a boundless consciousness free from any thought just as a summer sky can be free from any cloud. The clouds crossing our conscious space a


In May 2015, India was struck by a severe heatwave that caused the death of more that 2500 people. In June 2015, Pakistan was struck by a similar heatwave that killed at least 780 people. These heatwaves are not isolated events and they will become much more numerous and severe in the future. In his book, the Revenge of GAIA, James Lovelock warned us the heatwaves generated by Global Warming will increase in intensity and frequency and reach totally intolerable and lethal levels. We have entered this Burning Era forecasted by Lovelock. These heatwaves combined with the growing scarsity of freshwater, the lack of food, every year we destroy 12 million hectares of cultivable lands while at the same time the world population is growing, and the increasing bellicosity of people while the weapon industries, entangled in a deadly race for power, produce more and more weapons, we may expect a frantically violent world in the years to come. While, as all the scientists tell us we must dra


When the Settlers came to America they detected a lot of riches on this new Land but they missed realizing its biggest treasure was the wisdom of the Native Americans. The spirituality of the Sioux Lakotas, for example, is a dynamic spirituality which reaches BEING in the human and doesn't simply stagnate in a disconnected thought-vision which only "believes" in some unreachable and imagined divine. BEING in us, which is Reality's INFINITE ISness, awakens us to the fact we intrinsically are Nature within us and this reintegrates us into the unbroken network of Nature which encompasses the whole universe. Today, America with its Fossil Fuels compulsive dependancy, its weapon mania, its cult for the ego-power and the violence this involves, is disconnected from Nature and clashes with it within the individual first and as a consequence devastates the landscapes around - with Shale Oil & Gas wells for instance - while this Land once was respected as a Sacred one


Not only Reality's ISness is intelligent but it is intrinsically made of an INFINITE intelligence. Yet, we are psychologically expelled from Reality's ISness by pains too big to be consciously encountered, and we survive to this terrible exile by identifying with our thoughts and their limited and therefore conflictual intelligence. This means we become a mere thought-program precursor to the cybernetic programs we are developing today and which will soon surpass the thought-programs with which we identify.The return to Reality's ISness - which is absolutely necessary if we want to survive our madness - implies that we retrieve the unresolved pains which expelled us and, knowingly or not, we are terribly scared of this reunion. When we consciously penetrate into these unresolved pains we embrace the little child in us, her fears, her tears, her pains and the traumatic episodes of her story which were confiscated. Yet, with the salty taste of the child's tears memorise


The beginning of the path towards freedom is the realization that you are not the thinker that talks in your head but the one who IS in you. An intense presence is needed to free yourself from the grip of the thinker pretending to be you. In this battle your main weapon is OBSERVATION of what IS, and you must be keen at OBSERVING the Present Instant and all it contains, this should be the main battle of your life. Many times you'll be caught by the thinker and you'll succumb to its persuasive temptations and whims but do not lose your determination and keep returning again and again to the Locus where you meet with presence in your body. Indeed OBSERVATION's Light dispells identification with thoughts like dust in the wind and discloses what you ARE in Reality, which is BEING in you, your inner sun. When you succeed remaining at the tip of the Present Instant the unconscious past that is memorized in you will be brought to consciousness by present events, no need to dig


James Lovelock, the father of the GAIA theory, said: "I am a green and I would be classed among them, but I am most of all a scientist; because of this I entreat my friends among the greens to reconsider their naive belief in sustainable development and renewable energy, and that this and saving energy are all that need to be done. Most of all, they must drop their wrongheaded objection to nuclear energy. Even if they were right about its dangers, and they are not, its use as a secure, safe and reliable source of energy would pose a threat insignificant compared with the real threat of intolerable and lethal heatwaves and sea levels rising to threaten every coastal city of the world. Renewable energy sounds good, but so far it is inefficient and expansive. It has a future, but we have no time now to experiment with visionary energy sources: civilization is in imminent danger and has to use nuclear energy now, or suffer the pain soon to be inflicted by our outraged planet".


The Kyoto Protocol was an international treaty, which extended the 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) that commited State Parties to reduce greenhouse gases emissions, based on the premise that (a) global warming exists and (b) man-made CO2 emissions have caused it. The Kyoto Protocol was adopted in Kyoto, Japan, on 11 December 1997 but the United States refused to abide by this treaty. What is important to note is during the last 40 years there was not one year when the CO2 emissions were not higher than the previous year apart 2014 which CO2 emissions stagnated at the level of 2013. The IPCC latest report warned us that if we do not bring our CO2 emissions level back to 50% of what they were in the year 1990 and this by 2020, we'll not be able to keep temperatures within the 2° degees. Yet, the "sovereign" nations continue refusing to fulfill this scientific requirement. In clear our nations are just totally crazy and criminal. And the


Hey guys, Global Warming is not a joke and its first effects are already felt. earthquakes, tsunamis, droughts, floods, storms, twisters, are becoming more serious and happpen more often. In many countries the populations suffer from the scarcity of drinking water in their everyday lives. The poles, Greenland, the permafrost in the Arctic Circle, the glaciers all around the planet, all these ice covered areas are dangeously melting. And the main cause f or all this are our growing CO2 emissions.  Yet, instead of drastically reducing them as required by the IPCC and most scientists, those who are leading our planet are increasing them in the name of sovereign national interests. More, in their fight against Russia and IRAN, the Freemasons at the helm of the United States together with Saudi Arabia are artificially lowering the Oil price as to bring to their knees those who still resist the Freemasony's Novus Ordo Seclorum (which is a mess), and this disregard the fact that lowr


Everything comes from the void, everything is made of the void which is an INFINITE consciousness. This is because consciousness is INFINITE that having no border, no size, no form, it cannot be apprehended and appears to be a no-thing. Then this INFINITY, decomposes its Zero access gate into 0 = +1 -1, and through this dialectical action provides for the potential difference between positif and negatif which generates the energy of matter and antimatter. In the matter's realm, protons and electrons, which are point-particles, have an INFINITE Real mass and an INFINITE Real charge that generate the energy for the whole world. A tiny glimpse of this energy appears when we crack the few plutonium atoms contained in a nuclear bomb. Einstein taught us how energy is transformed into matter but also how matter is returned into energy through his well known equation, E=MC2. But it is because the original source of all this energy and matter is an INFINITE consciousness that it is ab