
Showing posts from November 18, 2014


The so-called "Islamic" world is more or less angry and more or less violent and this because it voluntarily locked up itself into a conceptual box - supposed to save it - and feels authorized now, in the name of a supreme authority called Allah, to inflict others this same predicament: the more the merrier. The so-called "Democratic" world is permissive and deviant because, as to capture people like fies in a net, and rule over them in the name of freedom, it declares healthy all the neurotic and perverted behaviors our disconnected minds can build and investigate. These two worlds, as different as they seem, share the same ground which is identification with thoughts. The truth which I repeat again and again through all my texts, is: you dont' have to be identified with your thoughts, it is not necessary. Of course your thoughts tell you otherwise since they want to rule over you. Thought-identity wants to spread its fabricated, cognitive and polluting