
Showing posts from November 4, 2014


Just OBSERVE whatever occurs both within your body, sensations, feelings and thoughts, and around you in the external world. This state of OBSERVATION, which automatically brings you back to the Present Instant, should become your focus and not the meditative techniques supposed to bring you back to the OBSERVING state. What is important is OBSERVATION, avoid being hypnotized by the techniques supposed to get you there. In fact, OBSERVATION is available right here and right now and doesn't really need any technique. Just BE and here you ARE, it is SIMPLE if your thoughts do not make it appear difficult. BEING and OBSERVATION are the same one thing. In order to break OBSERVATION and bring you back under their control and identified with them, thoughts have two powerful weapons: FEAR & HOPE. But do not let these two subterfuges project you in a future that doesn't even exist. Again, OBSERVE and feel FEAR & HOPE for what they are. Neither refuse them nor elaborat


Since Kyoto Protocol in 1997, scientists are repeatedly warning us that our CO2 emissions are feeding Global Warming and that we should drastically reduce them. Unfortunately, year after year, these emissions never stopped growing. The United States, the main producer of CO2 emissions for decades, dragged its feet until today and now it is the turn of China and then India and then the rest of the world, claiming their right to pollute Nature like we did before them. The problem is now we have zero time left. The truth is we are like a fly caught into a honey pot but here it is Oil into which we're glued and from which we cannot find the necessary strength to extract ourselves. But why can't we really ? The biggest disease that plagues Humankind is "identification with thoughts". Yet, in Reality we are not our thoughts. What we ARE is BEING in us which is Reality's indivisible and limitfree essence. Animals do not pollute Nature because they are still consciou


HOW TO MANUFACTURE A TERRORIST. The violence the "respectable" adults spread onto the external world is the violence the child received before, during and after birth. Every two minutes in the world a woman dies during childbirth. This says a lot about the environment a child is too often confronted with at the begining of his/her life. Canadian researchers have shown that a child who was subjected to traumas too big to be consciously encountered, before and during birth, and who later had to cross difficult and violent surroundings during the early childhood, has six times more chances to become a violent adult. The traumas that linger unresolved and stored in the limbic system, may be triggered later in life by just trivial stimuli. Pains that remain unresolved because too big to be consciously confronted, hold a load of trapped energy that only want to be released outside the body in the external world. Injustice, since traumas inflicted to a fetus, or a newborn ba


The Feis na Samhain (pronounce Sawen), one of the four major pre-Christian festivals of the ancient Ireland, was held on the evening of 31 October into the following day, 1 November and until the sun rose. It marked the end of one pastoral year and the commencement of the next. It was also an intensely spiritual event during which TIME was put aside and people were invited to focus on BEING within them which is Reality's INFINITE essence. INFINITY was symbolized in the Mother Goddess Dana's figure, also known as the Goddess of all Waters, oceanic as well as lustral. INFINITY generates forms and existences within itself like a mother does. In short the Samhain was a feast where one could officially encounter INFINITY through oneself. The Tuatha Dé Danaan were the proto-Celts also known as the Children of Dana or the Children of the Light. They came from the North (the White Island and its four very advanced cities). After the last mini Ice Age that occured some 12900 years


Adults, protected behind their cognitive shield, have absolutely no idea to which magnitude of pain the child, whose sensorial window is wide open, can be confronted. It is just huge ! What I call a trauma is an impact of pain of such magnitude that it cannot be consciously encountered and integrated. In a survival reflex our organism has developped a capacity to block these impacts before they reach consciousness and this notably by chemically dyking them, endorphins, etc.. These traumas, remnant of the past, linger in us unresolved, like unexploded sea-mines which nonetheless can be triggered by external stimuli in the Present. Removed from our Real self which these traumas have contaminated, and identified with a fake and cognitive self made of thoughts, we are unconsciously driven by this unresolved past in us which tries to use the Present's events for its resolution. The problem is the past is the past and there's no way for us to undo it by manipulating the Pres