
Showing posts from October 25, 2014


Our galaxy is composed of some 200 billion suns. Its size is just gigantic, around 100,000 light years in diameter. Knowing that light travels 300.000 kilometers in one second, you may calculate for yourself how many kilometers this makes for one year and then you multiply by 100.000 and you get the diameter of our home-galaxy. In the beginning of the XXth century our galaxy was the sole known universe. Today scientists estimate there are about 500 billion galaxies in the whole cosmos and tomorrow they may tell us there are much more. All this gigantic thingamajig, which expands at a speed close to the speep of light, came out, at the Big Bang, of nearly nothing, a spot as tiny as a point-particle or a zero-dimentional electron. This scientific information is so overwhelming, so unbelievable, that Jesus walking on the water seems just peanuts. According to the rules of quantum mechanics, the zero-dimentional electron, which is the Real electron, has an INFINITE mass and an INFIN


When the child's organism is struck by pains too big to be consciously confronted, these pains are buried in our limbic system before they lethally clash with consciousness and their resolution is postponed to some future time. This is how the psychological momentum of TIME is generated. The Present Instant is not lived for itself anymore but as a support to the expectations we have from the close or distant future. Our thoughts create a cognitive and therefore virtual stream of TIME using present events in order to symbolically solve this past that grumbles in us, soundlessly screaming to be answered. Kind of silent cry which stifled exerts an inner pressure that deteriorates our body's functioning and our behvior. In other words we are extracted from Reality in us and identified with our thoughts which are longing for the future where, unconsciously, they hope finding the resolution to a destroyed past. Unfortunately this not possible. Enclosed in the bubble of our thou


Eight ingredients to create a planetary bomb. 1) Economy has turned global and when the economy of one country becomes ill, the subprime mortgage crisis for instance, the economy of the whole World is contaminated. 2) Information has turned global and the whole population of the Earth shares the same information everywhere and at the same time. Check any TV channel, they all display the exact same News worldwide. 3) Communication has turned global too and I can have "friends" in the whole World gathered on my Facebook page, Twitter or any other social network . 4) the Migratory fluxes, economical, political, ecological, both legal and illegal, are growing year after year.. At the same time and facing this intrusive globalization from the bottom of the pyramid, nations strengthen their sovereignty walls as if they were trying to forbid the globalization which they nonetheless trigger from the top of the pyramid. This conflictual situation: nations vs. globalization, g


Just OBSERVE whatever occurs both within your body, sensations, feelings and thoughts, and around you in the external world. This state of OBSERVATION, which automatically brings you back to the Present Instant, should become your focus and not the meditative techniques supposed to bring you back to the OBSERVING state. What is important is OBSERVATION, avoid being hypnotized by the techniques supposed to get you there. In fact, OBSERVATION is available right here and right now and doesn't really need any technique. Just BE and here you ARE, it is SIMPLE if your thoughts do not make it appear difficult. BEING and OBSERVATION are the same one thing. In order to break OBSERVATION and bring you back under their control and identified with them, thoughts have two powerful weapons: FEAR & HOPE. But do not let these two subterfuges project you in a future that doesn't even exist. Again, OBSERVE and feel FEAR & HOPE for what they are. Neither refuse them nor elaborate f


The Natural Order of the Free Market according Adam Smith was just a dangerous delusion. Adam Smith did not take in consideration the fact that as long as we are identified with our thoughts we are removed from Reality and its order. The fact is, we are not our thoughts. What we ARE in Reality is BEING in us. Capitalism destroys the World because, like any thought-system implemented through identification with thoughts, it is disconnected from the ground of Reality in us. The very first step therefore is to abandon identification with thoughts and return to BEING in us which is what we Really ARE. BEING in us is Reality's essence which is INFINITE in its very quality. As such, it is shared with the whole of Nature. INFINITY is not an abstract and vague concept, it is, as Quantum Physics demonstrates, Reality's very essence. Therefore the INFINITE quality of Reality's essence, or BEING in us, is absolutely vital to the human BEING and we cannot remain cognitively remov


Spirituality is not an ideology that our thoughts can weave and elaborate. Spirituality is the mere return to BEING in us which is Reality's INFINITE essence. This INFINITY, which is the only Spirit, "IS" full knowledge in itself. Therefore I have no ideology, beliefs, or rules of conduct, I could add to you. My only function is to help you remove that which hides what you already know, even unconsciously, and which is BEING in you and its INFINITE intelligence. Spiritual knowledge is like a baby which is already in you and I can only work as someone helping you giving birth to it, nothing more. Patrick Ali Pahlavi


When we watch what is happening in Syria, in Iraq, in Gaza, in Lybia, in Ukraine, in Yemen and everywhere on our poor planet that twinkles with turning fires where, one place after another, humans are slaughtered, we can only be bewildered. Indeed, facing all these useless conflicts, big and small and at all levels of the human community, one remains voiceless: what is wrong with us ? When we consider the endless dispute over Kashmire for instance or how China martyrs the Tibetan People and for so long now, it seems we, humans, really enjoy hurting each other, otherwise why would we ? Isn't humans' well being and happiness more important than all our stupid possessions ? Or is there only a little egotist me, me, me ... if yes, then what a small universe ! When we witness all these massacres and bloodsheds caused by the difference of nationality and the difference of ideology, secular or religious, which are all generated by identification with thoughts, we realize this fake