
Showing posts from October 7, 2014

How much better is reality? It is being really alive vs. being really dead.

3D: True life has real height, width and depth. TV is just 2D, or two-dimensional. Fantasy will never be able to compete with true life once true life is seen as it truly is. Reality is infinite; it is everything. It is infinitely more than anything else is. You really live and really die only in the real world. There is good, great, and real. Our world is much more enchanting and exciting than any fantasy world. The problem is that fantasy is better than the life people are currently living, so fantasy is becoming more and more popular." SUSHIL

Right and wrong

"Right and wrong: Without the ultimate truth, no one really knows what to do or why to do it. That is becoming very dangerous, and it will kill us all soon. About ten countries are known to have nuclear weapons, and it is estimated that at least thirty-two countries are trying to get them. There are also biological and chemical weapons and people who do not know right from wrong yet. Weapon technology is evolving faster than we are. Technology is making it easier and easier for fewer and fewer people to do greater and greater damage. Very soon, one person with a biological weapon will be able to kill everyone. + PlanetCare


Have you noticed how the branches of a tree can be twisted ? How they seem free while they still obey an order ? Being free yet still obeying an order is what our liberal society pretends we are. Yet, these two: being free and still obeying, can be compatible only when this is the essence of Reality's order that rules us, and this because it is INFINITE and therefore "IS" the ISness in each one of us. A kind of great symphony played from inside if you know what I mean. Of course, this implies that we are able to face our own unresolved pains and get beyond their mirror/screen instead of throwing them in each other's faces. The problem starts when we try to replace this natural order, which we should find in ourselves, by an external order imagined by disconnected thought-identities and their brilliant demonstrations. Humankind has secreted great artisans and artists, weaving with skill thought-artefacts, ideologies, secular or religious, and in such spectacular


 Right now, the moment you are experiencing, the place where you are standing, and who you intrinsically ARE, have a meaning given by the INFINITE and sizeless depth of Reality, and this meaning is far beyond what your thoughts may grasp, no matter how intelligent they may tell you they are. Indeed, you are not conscious of this fundamental sense, which is co-substantial to who you ARE, as long as you remain enclosed into the bubble of identification with thoughts. Overwhelmed by the scenario your thougths provide for you, which is based upon your memories, upon the past frozen in your neurons, unknowingly you are already a kind of living dead. You know, those guys with their strange walk. This cognitive bubble colors and tags your entire life with its gross limitations and the fabricated story dealt in loops that traps you like a squirrel in its wheel, or like when you are caught into a computergame that captivates you so much you forget eating and sleeping. Identification with tho


Reality's essence is INFINITE yet, it expresses itself through forms which by definition are made of limits. And since they are limited they leave a place for other forms to exist as well. This is why Reality's expression comes in couples of opposites among which the most basic is the Yin and the Yang. As to get to the whole of Reality, which is its INFINITE essence, of course we cannot embrace one among these opposites and refuse its counterpart othe rwise we'll get tapped in our very choice. As a consequence meet with your weakness and you'll get strong. Plunge into your fears, die to them, and you'll find the true courage which is not just a floating pretence. Accept your features and your very situation no matter what they are, because Reality's INFINITY do not find them unworthy of its expression. Be aware of what a treasure it is to be who you ARE right here, right now. Shut down the conflict with what "IS" since this conflict is w


When pains too big to be consciously felt and encountered contaminate our inner Reality, unconsciously we internally enter in opposition to what "IS". Since then on, there is a natural propensity for us to dodge this inner state of war by releasing its pressure onto the external world like one liberates bloating energies. Within us, we abandon our limbic bilge flooded with too much pain and climb to the higher cognitive decks of our nevrax where we identify with our thoughts. Thoughts calculate, analyse, forecast and imagine, but they do not feel nor do they directly experience LIFE in itself. Thoughts create a kind of virtual distance from what "IS", a gap which do not exist in Reality. Thoughts won't do it. Cognitively extracted from who we Really ARE and having exported our inner state of war onto the stage of the external World, we are left with inadequate tools, our thoughts and their inventions, to solve a misplaced conflict imposed to creatures m