
Showing posts from June 9, 2014


What can perform fetus, your baby baby or a young child, in contact with a meeting of Reality too painful to be felt consciously ? Our organism regarding stay alive disconnects this experience from your conscious field with a gating system in our psyche which utilizes strong endogenous endorphin-like painkillers. For the end and having older, we discover how to dimmer our grasp on the painful era of Reality by closing our sensorial window. The challenge with The fact is, it's one and undividable, very first our whole reach to Reality which diminishes gradually. We replace everything you have mislaid practical experience of Reality by the cognitive, conceptual and virtual knowledge which "thinks" life as an option to living, feeling it and experiencing it.  This is why we visit perceive our thoughts, to the point of becoming our thoughts, while, actually, we're In us of course. Removed into our cocoon of thoughts, were isolated from Reality's World as well as