
Showing posts from September, 2014


LOVE is inherent to BEING's INFINITY. Actually, LOVE is INFINITY. Therefore, when we are identified with our thoughts, which hides the access to BEING in us, we become blind to BEING's INFINITY and its LOVE. Knowingly or not, we're so much starving for LOVE that we start looking for it throughout the external World, just like a famished hobo digs any container. Yet, LOVE is about giving, not about taking and even less about extorting a fix from others. Too often when we say "I love you" this is in fact the unresolved little child in us that says: "please love me mom, please love me dad". Don't forget that without her parents' care the newborn child will not survive and therefore their LOVE is associated with her psychological resolution. We are identified with our thoughts only because the child in us remains unresolved and this is why we mistake a desire to be loved for LOVE itself. The Gospel tells us "love your neighbor as you love


According to the IPCC's latest Report, if we want to avoid being confronted with a broken and totally uninhabitable planet, we should bring back our CO2 emissions to 50% of what they were in 1990 and this before 2020. Yet, instead, we are blindly increasing these emissions year after year, raising boiler's pressure, just because it makes money and fills some people's pockets. And this, as if everything was all right, as if we were not, ecologically speaking, already in a dire emergency situation. Global Warming doesn't know our frontiers, neither our ideologies and religions, and it can be properly answered ONLY if we join our efforts together, all of us, and work side by side at reducing our CO2 emissions. This means that we must abide by a common ecological guidance that would stand above our little national, separate and egoistic, sovereignties. Otherwise, competition for lower price energy will not let us answer Global Warming which threatens all of us alike.


 PEACE cannot be found in the words of peace we may utter. PEACE is intrinsic to BEING which is Reality's INFINITE essence. It is this INFINITY which is in PEACE and this because ending nowhere INFINITY is always one. And because it takes at least two to break PEACE. How can you bring PEACE to people if you are not in PEACE within yourself ? And how can you be in PEACE within yourself when your organism is actively repressing a part of you which is contaminated with pains too big to be consciously encountered ? Even if this inner conflict is unconscious, you find a trace of it in the way you are exiled from BEING within you and identified with your thoughts, unable to stop thinking even for one minute. Identification with thoughts is the external lid that prevents you encountering your unresolved pain-memories which are blocking the way towards BEING within you. Therefore the first step in spreading PEACE around you consists in returning to BEING and for this you must fir


Reality's INFINITE essence has a conscious depth we call the SELF. Can you embrace Reality's SELF and stop identifying with your thoughts ? Said differently, can you remain on the "observer mode" long enough for the dust of your thoughts to settle and liberate the SELF's vision ? Can you realize consciousness is the only thing there "IS", the rest being just the unfolding of its endless potential expressions ? Consciousness is not a mirror upon which dust can accumulate but a pure no-thing that cannot be reached since it is already everything there "IS". Yet, it is this pure emptiness that makes of the conscious SELF a matrix, or a darkroom if you prefer, into which everything can be revealed. Since it has no kind of limit whatsoever this conscious SELF can be only single. We may reach it through our body as the pit of BEING within us which is the Zero gate opening into INFINITY. As to retrieve this limitless and conscious SE


   Just imagine that on a distant planet where NASA has eventually discovered LIFE, it has also isolated a species which is destroying the whole planetary ecosystem. Of course sending probes and technological devices would be important for studying the very situation there. But at one moment NASA would have to engage directly this destructive agent as to discover what makes it devastate the network upon which its very survival depends and eventually neutralize its toxicity. Well, this extravagant scenario is verified on planet Earth where a similar agent is destroying the whole Biosphere. This agent is us, the very intelligent humans. According to what we said above, NASA should normally work at finding out why this marvelous creature is the only one among all the living species to endanger LIFE on Earth at a planetary scale. Indeed, we generate Global Warming and Climate Change with our CO2 emissions transforming right before our eyes this tamed and harmonious planet into a wil


Even though Freud said many things which proved being wrong, he generalized and made standard the idea that we live in the bubble of an unresolved past that colors the present, and if only for this we should feel grateful to him. While this was not Freud's goal, this realization is but a first step for any true spiritual path. Usually, and often unconsciously, we build our action upon an attempt to escape this unresolved past and so doing we usually manipulate the present and spoil it or even detroy it. This is why on a spiritual path we rather remain in our unresovled past-bubble, observe it, soak into it, and consume it to the flame of consciousness until only remains consciousness, just like in a crucible only remains gold. Consciousness is BEING in us or Reality's INFINITE essence and as such it is everything there "IS". This is what we call spiritual meditation. We observe our inner sky and the passing clouds that cross its space and we let them fall in rain,